Looking into the Jaws of a Great White Shark – The Story of Shannon Ainslie

This story blew me right off my chair coughing up my coffee, and had me reconsider today's regular Sunday Surf Trip. Everybody knows there are no sharks around Lisbon,  but my next dip into the cold ocean was no doubt gonna be tense and edgy.

What you are about to read is one amazing testimonial in faith, and the most unbelievable true story of survival that side of the Vatican. It is the only clip in the world of two sharks  simoultaneously attacking a surfer. You don't even have to take my word for it - You can watch it.

The story was published on October 7th, 2013 in The Surf Channel.

At just 15 years of age, Shannon Ainslie was mauled by two 15 ft (4.5 meter) great white sharks while surfing Nahoon Reef in East London, South Africa.

About an hour into his surf, Shannon was riding a wave when two sharks attacked him. The shark on the left struck the surfboard underneath launching him into the air. Upon plunging  back into the sea under the surface - the shark bit Shannon's right hand dragging him deeper. During this time, the shark on the right went for his head and shoulders, but it missed him, because the shark on the left got in the way.

In his own words: "I remember staring the shark face-to-face underwater with its mouth wide open. I could see its one eye just staring into my face… It was super close. I could’ve reached to touch it or stick my hand in its mouth. Then, it swam past me, slowly turned around and then shoved me forward deeper under the water from behind"

Read the entire story published in Surf Channel on October 7th, 2013 here

Watch two great white sharks attack Shannon Ainslie in the below clip



Do What You Do Best – Don’t Jump at Every Opportunity

Why don't 99% of people have what they want in life?

Well, because 99% of people DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT! Sounds incredible doesn't it!? But if the majority would know what they want right here and now, there would be nothing to discuss, right?

Accepting yourself has got to be one of the biggest secrets to happiness and discovering your true purpose in life. But coming to terms with the truth about yourself and what you want - may require difficult situations struggle, and sacrifices. See, not all people might like it because your strength highlights the weakness of insecure people in doubt. And many of these people might be very close. So there might be people and conditions not necessarily favouring your transition. Change is needed, and change almost always brings stress and a feeling of insecurity.

It could mean:
-Pursuing a new career based on what you really want to do
-Leaving behind a relationship or person - or a well paid but meaningless job

Bear in mind:

  1. Not all opportunities are to be taken.
  2. Be aware and know your limits, we all have them.
  3. Determine your natural environment? (For a bird it is the air; for a fish it's water). What happens when a dog in water tries to attack a shark :-)?
  4. Some opportunities are traps.
  5. Usually the best response to provocation is not to fight.
  6. Only focus on the battles you can win.
  7. You fight best in your natural element and environment.
  8. Don't procrastinate over things you can't control.
  9. Occasionally to accomplish something, you need team work - you will not always win alone.
  10. If you want to go fast, go alone - If you want to go far - go together.
  11. Stick to what you do best and FOCUS ON THAT.

Let me ask you: do you want to dedicate your life to pleasing and do you want to be universally popular? Then you should not find out about your talents nor take any risks. It could be comfy. But will it have meaning when you are 80 years old thinking back on your life?

But if you are ready to commit, and pay the price for you wishes becoming reality, I salute you and respect you – because your rewards will be much higher than for those who settle to live the life of others in safety, boredom and dissatisfaction. Blessed are you, because as your final moment approaches, and approach it will - you will know that you had the courage to follow the path that was you, despite the sacrifices and hardships endured along the way.


Photo by Lubo Minar


IS IT POSSIBLE TO DISCUSS the price of salvation? Is it appropriate to ask whether salvation is a cheap or valuable thing?

In no way is a person believing in Jesus Christ unaware that saving his (or her) soul has required more, been more expensive than any other thing. To God, saving your soul certainly was not cheap. Heaven gave his best, Christ – who by no deed nor thought made himself guilty of sin.

But can we follow Christ without paying a price? Is not Christianity specifically that we can throw us in the goodness of God, and Christ who has done all for us.Why should we talk about something that we have to do - is not all done for us by Christ who died for our sins on the cross?  Can we not only receive his goodness – be thankful and feel blessed? Yes. Yes, indeed we can only do this. When talking about receiving salvation; being saved. This is the foundation. You cannot take any of your pennies nor any deed and by that increase any value for yourself. You can only receive salvation by the grace of God. Period.

However, there are 3 challenges to those who, after being saved - wish to follow the path of Christ and apply their belief in daily life. Heaven expects that you do something, that you don't only receive - but also give. Yes, when you have a foundation in Christ the words ‘have to’ and ‘must’ cannot be left out from your life … (to be continued).


Photo by Bruno Martins